Miniature Wargame rules for the Crimean War,
Tác Giả: Peter Morffew
Nhà Phát Hành: (Web published)
These rules are part of a series that cover the era of the Musket (1690's - mid 19th century).
The rules of Shako and Musket 1854-1856 are designed to capture the flavour of this specific war with the subtle changes and nuances.
They are designer to be easy to use, fast flowing and capable of covering small and large games.
Sequence of play:
1- Declare Charges
2- Charge response check
3- Charge reaction movements
4- Melee resolution
5- Breakthrough check (for charging units)
6- Breakthrough follow-up (resolve new melees)
7- Breakthrough results per 6
8- Other movement
9- Other fire
10- Morale check
11- Morale reaction (retire, retreat, rout, follow-up)
Miniatures: 2mm to 25mm
Players will need a tape measure, D6, pen and paper
– extract from rulebook