Tác Giả: Shunichi Takanashi
Nhà Phát Hành: Ad Technos, Game Journal
This game was first published by Asahi syuppan as one of its simulationgamebook series.
This game was designed by Mr. Takanashi who is known as a professor designer in Japan.
As always, Takanashi's game concentrates very specific aspect of the battle. This time, it concentrates "Supply".
In this game, the units must have supply to move to attack and even only for to be.
The map covers from Algeria to Suez.
198 counters.
The campaign game starts July, 1940 and ends June, 1943 (36 turns).
The game also provides 8 shorter scenarios (from 5 to 12 turns).
Though the size is small, players must carefully plan the strategy and supply, it is longer than you might first think from the component.