
Aether Captains (2010)

Hạng: 14186
1-6 Người chơi
30-60 Phút
Tuổi: 13+
Độ khó: 2.00/5

Aether Captains is a steampunk themed, scenario-based, asymmetric board game for 1-6 players.

One player commands the mighty naval zeppelins of the Grand Compact: Dauntless and Dominion. As Commander, you have been tasked by the Emperor to defend the Grand Compact and Arkady from the merciless sky pirates. With your staunch crew of steam welders, engineers, navigators and gunners, you fly with honor to confront the pirates threatening Arkady.

The remaining players command waves of attacking sky pirates, each with their own unique objectives which may pit them against any player when it results in the greatest profit for themselves. Infamous and feared, you have risen through the cutthroat cadres to become a War Captain. You swear to never rest until you control the skies and the Grand Compact falls!


2 Arkady Boards. 6 War-Captain Player Boards, 8 Stats Boards, 50 Objective cards, 6 Crew Member cards, 94 Action cards, 6 HMS Dauntless Zeppelin Dice, 6 HMS Dominion Zeppelin Dice, 2 Pirate Zeppelin Dice, 2 Double Zeppelin Dice, 2 Steamraven Dice, 2 Skystinger Dice, 2 Zomby Strike Dice, 2 Iron Hammer Dice, 1 D6 Black die, 14 Crew tokens, 16 City Defence tokens, 15 Re-roll tokens, 5 Fortification tokens, 10 Firearm tokens, 15 Fuel tokens, 10 Gold tokens, 10 Repair Gear tokens, 10 Water Unit tokens, 1 Storm Token, 26 Arkady Hex Tiles, 1 Neutral Ground Tile, 2 Navy Commander Miniature Ships, 12 War-Captain Miniature Ships, 5 D12-sided Dice, 1 Cloth Bag, 1 rulebook

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