Race your aeropane across the English channel—but watch out for a crash!
Nhà Phát Hành: Chad Valley Co Ltd.
This race game commemorates the 1909 flight from France to England by aviator Louis Bieriot and offers players the chance to make the return trip. Players compete as aviators to cross the English channel using a single die and a board made up of small square spaces.
If players roll 1, 2, 3, or 4, they may move that number of spaces in any direction they choose. Rolling 5 or 6 compels them to use a compass-styled spinner to determine which direction they will go. Two planes that would land on the same space must compete by rolling the die; the winning higher number keeps the space, while the loser drops south by the number of spaces rolled.
Planes that would go off the edge into the "sky" cannot move that turn. Planes that fall in the sea must go back to the start. Planes that hit the cliffs on either side of the board are eliminated outright!
The winner is the first pilot to land their aircraft "on one of the squares of the Finish." They may overshoot the winning roll without negative consequence.