
Aeon's End: The New Age (2019)

Take a crew of mages on Expeditions to face monstrosities from beyond the Breach.

Hạng: 324
1-4 Người chơi
60 Phút
Tuổi: 14+
Độ khó: 2.94/5

Aeon’s End: The New Age introduces the Expedition system into the Aeon's End universe which allows players to replay all of the content they own in a short campaign format. After each game, players will receive new treasures and player cards that allow them to become more powerful. However, the nemeses that players will face grow stronger and stronger with each battle.

Aeon's End: The New Age is a standalone expansion that is compatible with all of the other standalone games. All content can be mixed and matched for exciting new combinations!

—description from the publisher

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