Tác Giả: (Uncredited)
Nhà Phát Hành: Jeureve
A cycle racing game inspired by the Tour de France. Each player runs a team of 4, 5 or 6 racers, teamwork between the racers helps to improve the position of the team's racers through slip-streaming.
There are four short stages and 2 long (mountain) stages to the full race, but a lesser number could be raced over. There are 34 (green) random movement (& event) cards: nine '1's, 13 '2's , nine '3's and one '4', a hunger/fall card and a weakness/blackout card. Each player also holds a pack of 9 yellow cards. one '+5', one '+3' one '+2' three '+1's, a spare wheel, a food musette (musette = In cycling, a bag containing food handed out in a feed zone of a multi-stage race such as the Tour de France) , and a 'Baraka'. (which means good luck in French slang.) On their turn the active player draws a random card for each of their racers, and if desired adds one of their yellow cards. Yellow cards are discarded for the stage after play.
If a racer ends his move with one space between him and the player of his team ahead of him, then he can slip-stream into the space provided it is not filled by racers of other teams. A racer can also slipstream another team's racer if there is a completely empty road space between them. Roads are 4, 3 or two riders wide, depending upon the terrain.
The winner can be decided by shortest number of turns taken to complete the course, or by placing in the finishing order of each stage - (better to agree this in advance). The short stages can take between 30 and 60 minutes, and the long stages 60 to 90. A lot depends upon the number of players, and of racers per team. If the whole race is to be run is would be best to spell it over a weekend with some other games filling between stages.