
A Bloody Crown: A Solitaire Game of the Wars of the Roses. (2014)

Hạng: --
1 Người chơi
60 Phút
Tuổi: 10+
Độ khó: --

Tác Giả: Erik von Rossing

Họa Sĩ: Erik von Rossing

Nhà Phát Hành: (Web published), Berserker Games

A Bloody Crown is semi-historical simulation of the Wars of the Roses. The game begins as Henry VI is struggling to retain his position as King of England. The Player represents Edward, Duke of York with the ambition of attaining the Crown due to King Henry’s mental instability and lack of leadership. As the Commander of Yorkist Allied Forces, you must control a significant number of Cities and Towns before the last Campaign Card is Played.

Game Objective: Player takes command of the House of York. The Player’s Objective is to attempt to control at least 16 Cities and 12 Towns before the last Campaign Card is Played. If the Lancaster Army controls 16 Cities and 12 Towns at the end of their Turn, the Lancastrians win.

During the Player's Turn, he/she must draw Campaign Cards which may result in Events, Actions, or Forces. The Player must gather his Nobles and their forces in order to take control of Cities and Towns. Random Events play a major part in the game, however, the Player must manage his Nobles and Action Points wisely in order to acheive victory.

The Game includes many colorful counters representing Nobles, Foot Levies, Men-at-Arms, Knights, Longbowmen, Hand-gunners, and Cannon.

A Bloody Crown can be found at the following URL:

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