
8 1/2 (2003)

Hạng: 21626
2-6 Người chơi
10 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 1.22/5

A card game by Israel's prolific card game designer, Haim Shafir. In this one, you have cards numbered 0 - 9, with special cards 1/2 and Ghost.

The game is simple:
Put three cards in your hand, three face down on the table, three face up on top of those, the rest next to you. Play cards higher than the card in the pool from your hands and draw cards. If you can't play higher, you eat the pool.

Some cards have special meanings: 1/2 is played on anything, 5 means next card has to be lower, zero resets, etc... When you are out of hand and deck cards, you play your face up cards, and then your face down cards, blindly.


How to Play

8 1/2

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