
7 Ronin (2013)

Defend the village from the hordes of ninjas for 7 days.

Hạng: 3027
2 Người chơi
15-30 Phút
Tuổi: 14+
Độ khó: 2.22/5

7 Ronin is an asymmetric two-player game in which one player controls a group of ninja attacking a village that's defended by seven ronin (masterless samurai), which are controlled by the other player. The ninja player wins by occupying five of the village's ten areas, while the ronin player wins by surviving eight rounds.

Each turn starts with the players distributing their forces over the village areas simultaneously and separately. Their choices are then revealed, and combat resolved. Each of the ronin have a different special ability to aid the defender, while each of the village areas have a special ability usable by the attacker once it has been occupied.

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