The goal is to be the player with the least points of sin accumulated at the end of the game. Each card of sin is assigned a score. The players, who will be Considered to be saints, will play cards of temptation on the cards of sin, knowing that Who places the second card of temptation on a sin card will take him to his Play, thus becoming a sinner. At the end of the game, the player who has no sin card in his zone wins Of game, being able to have more of a winner. In case all players are sinners, the less points of sin will accumulate in your playing area. In the event of a tie, which has the sins of lesser value.
A player is a sinner if he has any sin cards in his playing area. Conversely, A player is holy if he has no sin card in his playing area.
El objetivo es ser el jugador que menos puntos de pecado acumule al final de la partida. Cada carta de pecado tiene asignada una puntuación. Los jugadores, que de inicio serán considerados santos, irán jugando cartas de tentación sobre las cartas de pecado, sabiendo que quien coloque la segunda carta de tentación sobre una carta de pecado se lo llevará a su zona de juego, convirtiéndose así en pecador.Un jugador es pecador si tiene alguna carta de pecado en su zona de juego. Por el contrario, un jugador es santo si no tiene ninguna carta de pecado en su zona de juego.