
30 Second Mysteries (1995)

Hạng: 22472
2 Người chơi
10 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Tác Giả: A. Robert Moog

Nhà Phát Hành: University Games

From the back of the box:

We've created 144 fiendish puzzlers drawn from a wide range of subjects: history, crime, sports, famous people, entertainment, science, even everyday life. Some are well-known events that are cleverly disguised, others are hilarious twists on fact or fiction - but they all include a mystery worth solving.

The game has more than 1400 clues to help you along, but the fewer clues you use, the faster you win.

How to Play

Object: Solve the mystery first.

1. Read the case (it's identical for both teams).
2. Pose the mystery (it has two parts - you'll get clues that gradually reveal your half, the other team gets clues for its half on the back of the card).
3. Reveal one clue, then ask a question (be careful, don't let your questions reveal what you know).
4. Continue to reveal clues and ask questions until one team dares to solve the mystery.
5. If your team solves the mystery you score a point, but if you're wrong, the other team scores.

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