
13 Monsters (2020)

Players try building a strongest MonsterArmy while overcoming attacks from opponents!

Hạng: 15793
2-8 Người chơi
30-75 Phút
Tuổi: 6+
Độ khó: 2.50/5

13 Monsters is a tabletop game that requires skill, memory and just a bit of luck. Devise the perfect strategy while you collect, battle or barter for the parts you need to create your own ultimate monster. Not much of a fighter yet? Just keep searching for monster parts on the playing field but always watch your back! Other players will stop at nothing to build their own army of perfect monsters, even if it means attacking everything you’ve built so far. Will you be able to build your monsters on time to defend what’s yours and conquer your opponent? Or will your bad strategy cost you an arm and a leg?

—description from the designer

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