Take command of a squad of realistic WW2 soldiers in this brutal fast-paced game!
Description from the publisher:
1-48TACTIC is a fast space cinematic skirmish scale tabletop miniatures game that uses stat cards and tokens to produce a realistic simulation with no need for consulting tables or or doing complex calculations. Focus on WHAt You do!
In 1-48TACTIC you command a small force based on a real world army of WWII and attempt to attain victory over your opponents with your superior tactics and a little luck! The aim of these rules is to provide the simplest possible set of wargame rules that generate a fast playing cinematic game and which gives an involving, passionate and satisfying experience, but also respects real battlefield tactics simulated with intuitive and realistic mechanics. The focus is on small scale action, typically from a section (4-5 figures) to a whole infantry squad per side, but the whole game can be scaled up or down at will without bogging down thanks to 1-48TACTIC robust engine and unique command and control system The gameplay is involving, passionate and satisfying, and can be experienced at its fullest already with a squad for each player composed of as few as four miniatures!
1-48TACTIC is played on a board as small as 60x60 cm (2'x2') or as much larger as you like.
The game is generally played by two people, each in command of a single squad, such as the defenders of Stalingrad or the Wehrmacht 6th Army. A player force don't need to be limited to a single squad however, and three or four players games can be lot of fun!