
U.S. Patent No. 1 (2001)

Rank: 22557
3-6 Players
60 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: 1.58/5

Designer: James Ernest, Falko Goettsch

Artist: James Ernest

Publisher: Cheapass Games

U.S, Patent Number 1 is a racing game. Every player is a scientist who has invented time travel, and now everyone is racing to the Patent Office to prove who invented it first. Because you have a time machine, it's not enough to get to the Patent Office fast. You actually have to go back in time, to the day the Patent Office opened!

During this race you will upgrade your machine with some gadgets, including a power plant, a chassis, a weapon, and a shield. You can invent these things on your own, you can buy them, or you can steal them from the other players. Only a machine with all four upgrades qualifies to earn the patent, and you have a limited supply of money and power to spend.


  • 2001 Origins Award Nominee: Best Science Fiction / Fantasy board game
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