
UNDO: Treasure Fever (2019)

Rank: 11499
2-6 Players
45-90 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: 1.00/5

Time heals all wounds, they say, but the sudden death of a loved one sometimes shakes those who are left behind so much that their faith wavers. To prevent this, the gods send fate weavers to change the past and prevent death. In the game series UNDO, players slip into the role of these destiny weavers and do everything in their power to undo sudden deaths — whether murder or suicide. Not only do they travel minutes or hours back in time, but sometimes thousands of years to change events that have laid the foundation for the later stroke of fate. Sometimes a leap into the future can also provide important information.

The UNDO series combines the theme of time travel with emotional, extraordinary stories that players must assemble piece by piece. Each time jump gives them another choice in how they can change the past — and not every change is a turn for the better!

High Above the Yucatán jungle, February 29, 1952: With a vigorous jump, a blonde woman in her twenties leaves the small plane's cabin and plunges towards the jungle. When the craft explodes above her, she doesn't look surprised, but pleased. She laughs because she knows that she has won. The shiny object in her hand is proof of that. The air rushing past rips at her expedition clothes. She confidently pulls on her parachute‘s cord, and then, as she tries pulling it again and again, panic wells up in her chest with the realization that it will never open...

In 1952, a treasure hunt in the Yucatán jungle goes horribly wrong when a young woman, equipped with a dysfunctional parachute, plummets to her certain death – unless the players use their time-traveling, event-altering abilities wisely, and find a way to both unravel the circumstances that led to the young woman’s fate, and change it, in UNDO: Treasure Fever.

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