
Ultimate (2008)

Rank: 14195
2 Players
15 Min
Age: 0+
Complexity: 1.85/5

Designer: Angelo Porazzi

Artist: Angelo Porazzi

Publisher: Angelo Porazzi Games

ULTIMATE is a boardgame for 2 players dedicated to the Sport of Ultimate Freesbee

In this sport and in the Ultimate boardgame, two teams of 7 athletes compete to launch and receive the disc in the opponent's end zone, scoring 1 point.
In the boardgame, the team who first scores 3 points wins.
Or, players may agree to the best score after 15 or 30 minutes.

The game board is a hexed field.
The team in possession of the disc may:
-MOVE one athlete
-LAUNCH the disk

When an athlete receives the disc, he must stop in place but his teammates may still run in any direction and receive the disc.
In doing so, the team attempts to receive the disc inside the opponent's end zone.

Before launching, the player must declare the pattern of the disc that, on the hexed field, may be along a straight line or along a "two segments line" forming an angle of 120 degrees.
On the rulesheet see examples of patterns.

The team on defense can move one athlete per turn trying to:
-make pressure on the disk handler, by moving a defender close to him
-place athletes near each possible receiver to improve possibilities to deflect or intercept the disc.
If this happens, the defense can immediately take the disc and start from that point, in opposite direction.

Defenders may intercept if they are close to launcher or receiver and if the disk patterns is over or adjacent to them.

All athletes have different bonuses in launching, receiving and defending.

ULTIMATE official page
with plenty of descriptions and pictures.
You can request this game with the Teams you choose, in the colours you choose, also ordering special colours of your own real Ultimate Teams.

Created and illustrated by Angelo Porazzi
member of Ultimate National Italian Team
World Championship - Leuven Belgium 1988.

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