
Two Hundred Years: 5mm Wargame Rules 1700-1900 (1988)

Rank: --
1-2 Players
120 Min
Age: 0+
Complexity: 3.00/5

Designer: Richard P. Butler

Publisher: Tabletop Games

5mm Wargame Rules. 1700-1900
These rules are designed for 5mm figures and cover the period approximately 1700 to 1900, which is generally called the Horse and Musket period. The type of game created is definitely of a wargame style as opposed to a board game style. The scales for the game are 1mm = 1m, 1 figure = 20 men and 1 gun = 2 guns. Time scale is less important since the pace of the game will never reflect that of real time. Units are battalion with 15 to 50 figures.

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