Designer: Gerd Breitenbach, Markus Hagenauer
Artist: Gerd Breitenbach, Markus Hagenauer, Néstor Romeral Andrés
Publisher: nestorgames
Topology is an abstract tile placement game. It is played with 52 tiles with double-hex shape. Each of the 2 edges is connected with another edge by a line. There are different combinations of lines, but they never cross.
Before play, one randomly chosen tile is placed in the middle of the table.
Each turn, the players draw 3 tiles and place them on the table adjacent to the tiles already placed. Whenever a ring of lines gets closed, the player who placed the last tile scores points according to the length of the ring.
After all 52 tiles are placed, the player with the highest score is the winner.
Topology is the 5th winner of the NESTORGAMES continuous abstract game design contest