Jet-to-jet air combat game with scenarios inspired by the 1986 movie.
Designer: L. Ross Babcock, III, Kevin Stein, Jordan Weisman
Publisher: FASA
From the box.
The Top Gun fighter combat boardgame features a step-by-step rules system that allows players to learn as they go. The introductory game, titled Pensacola: Flight School teaches players the basics of fighter combat. After gaining experience, they will learn the advanced game. Miramar: Top Gun School. Then they will be ready for the expert game, Off the Flight Deck.
In each of these games, the competition is fast and furious, with players simulating battles between American, Soviet and other major world powers.
This game uses a simple and easy-to-understand game system. The components include a double-sided 17 x 22-inch playing map, a 16-page rulebook including record and reference sheets and four 6-sided dice. At least one printing included 40 small, plastic aircraft models as playing pieces. Later printings instead include 112 color cardboard counters.