
To the Strongest! (2014)

Rank: 10545
2-10 Players
120 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: 2.67/5

From the Introduction:

The rules were originally written to address the author’s passion for refighting ancient battles from Classical Greece, through the period of Macedonian dominance of the Eastern Mediterranean to the rise and eventual fall of the Roman Empire. However, in response to requests from play-testers, they have been extended to cover everything between the biblical era and the late medieval period.

They have been designed so that they can be used for anything from solo play with 100 or so miniatures through to huge games with 3000 plus miniatures and up to 5 players a side. A square grid has been used to promote speed of play. This also enables figures which have been based on different frontages for use with a variety of rule systems to be used together on the same battlefield.

Absolutely no dice are used in To the Strongest! Instead, an innovative (and entertaining) mechanism uses playing cards to activate units, which can each potentially move or fight multiple times during the same turn. Shooting and melees are resolved quickly and decisively, amidst a flurry of playing cards....

Despite their relative simplicity, the author believes that these rules capture the essential flavour of an ancient or medieval battle, and that the more seasoned gamer will find more than enough command decisions to entertain and challenge him. He wishes that players may enjoy very many happy games, and may victory always fall to the strongest!

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