
To the Banners: Rules for Pike & Shot 1500-1700 (2006)

Rank: --
2-12 Players
240 Min
Age: 0+
Complexity: 2.00/5

Designer: Stephen Danes

Publisher: Partizan Press

These rules are designed for fast play during an era of European land warfare across two centuries. They strive for simplicity while providing a feeling for the nature of battle during this time.

The rules are tuned to enable simulation of smaller scale actions rather than the large-scale battles that are more commonly the focus of miniatures rules but were more infrequent than the types of actions (raids, ambushes, assaults and patrols) these rules are suitable for.

Given this scale of focus, the rules are designed for play with 25mm figures but may be easily re-scaled for 15mm. Rather than offer army lists as such, these rules instead provide lists of characteristics of various unit types (e.g., gendarmes, landsknechts, various nationalities of shot and pike) by period: Tudor Wars, Italian Wars, Thirty Years War, English Civil Wars, and Louis XIV. Along with these lists, there is a system for generating armies based on unit cost. A representative scenario is provided for each of the five periods of the lists.

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