Designer: A.B. Chr. Olsen
Artist: Hergé
Publisher: Otto Maier Benelux B.V., Otto Maier Verlag, Ravensburger
Professor Tournesol Kidnapped!
Paris: We’ve just learned that the famous Professor Tournesol has been kidnapped.
After months of work in his laboratory, Professor Tournesol was on the verge of an invention that would, without a doubt, make the headlines. But, this last Monday, he did not show up for a gathering to which his friends had invited him. Tintin, the famous reporter, and Captain Haddock, the old sea-wolf, knew that, since the previous week, rumours abounded about the Professor’s invention. They went to his laboratory, accompanied by Milou, Tintin’s dog, and the detectives Dupond and Dupont, summoned in great haste. Once there, traces of a struggle were found that indicated that, without a doubt, the Professor had been kidnapped! Speculation is that the kidnappers intended to wrest the secret of his invention from the Professor.
Immediately, Tintin and his friends launched themselves in pursuit of the kidnappers.
The players move on the board trying to gather as much information as possible. They are trying to find out in which house Professor Tournesol is being held, and by whom.
The game proceeds by elimination of possibilities, as one must rule out all other possible houses and suspects before reaching a conclusion. For example, the proof-cards (orange backed cards) show the following objects: a hat, sunglasses, a mustache, a crowbar and shoes. The two proof-cards on the board indicate which objects the kidnapper lost while fleeing Professor Tournesol’s laboratory. The kidnapper will therefore *not* have those objects on him.
The game won a parents' prize in Québec.