
Thunder Road (1986)

Race (and crash) your vehicles down an infinite highway in a dystopian future.

Rank: 3587
2-4 Players
45 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: 1.36/5

Designer: Jim Keifer

Artist: Paul Alexander

Publisher: MB Jeux, Milton Bradley

Thunder Road is Milton Bradley's answer to Mad Max. You rocket your team (three cars and a helicopter) down a stretch of post-apocalyptic highway and try to either wipe out the other teams or outdistance them and leave them in the dust. Each turn consists of a dice roll to determine car movement and a combat phase where you try to shoot or ram your opponents. The gameboard consists of two pieces of highway and when the lead car exits the front piece of highway, the back piece is placed in front (after dumping all the wrecks and slowpokes off of it) thus creating a never-ending gameboard.

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