
Think It Up! Pictures (2019)

Rank: --
2-10 Players
10-30 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: --

Designer: Nikolay Pegasov

Artist: Uildrim

Publisher: Hobby World

What do you see in the picture? A wolf or a dog? A beast or a pet? Would you call a rundown building a hut or a cabin? Or, maybe, a shack? In this game, all your answers are correct and victorious as long as you are fast enough.

Think It Up! Pictures is a great game both for a party and for a family gathering. Each round, you draw two cards: one from the theme deck and one from the picture deck. Your aim is to be the first to come up with a word for the object in the picture, then use its first letter to recall the right word for the theme. The themes are created in such a way that they would be understood by a child, and you don't have to be the most erudite — just the most quick-witted!

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