
The Game of Rival Doctors (1892)

Rank: --
2-4 Players
0 Min
Age: 0+
Complexity: 0.00/5

Designer: (Uncredited)

Publisher: McLoughlin Brothers

Old Mr. Holmes of Homesville, a very rich man living about 20 miles from the Village of Spruceville, having taken suddenly ill sends his colored boy (I know that this is politically incorrect but the rules do in fact state that and for completeness I have included it) Tom to the village to summon a doctor. Several Doctors head for Homesville and the game is based on their journey.

Each player takes one piece to represent a doctor. Each player spins the indicator in turn and beginning at the Doctor's Office heads forward toward Homesville. The object is to arrive there by exact count. Along the way the Doctors will be affected by squares that they land on. "Doctor meets Mr Smith who hurt himself. Doctor and Mr.Smith must both go back to the office." or "Doctor finds he has lost his medicine and must return to the Eight Mile House to look for it" or "Doctor's horse runs away and Doctor must return to Mr. Jones' residence" or "Doctor's carriage breaks down and he must return to the Blacksmiths Shop for repairs". The Doctor who arrives at the Homesville site first by exact roll wins the game.

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