
Surviving: One month in (2015)

Rank: 21851
2-4 Players
20-90 Min
Age: 11+
Complexity: 2.00/5

Designer: Russell Neal

Artist: Paul Stride-Noble

Publisher: (Self-Published)

You control a group of survivors, trying to reclaim the city from the infected. But who do you fear most? The infected or the Surviving?

The game in a nutshell. You control a group of survivors, not just one ninja of the apocalypse. You control your team to try and take back as much of the city before the infection ends.
Then you can reign as king over the post-apocalyptic city. So how do you do this?

Each turn, each survivor has one action which can be spent on either
  • Moving – moving one hex
  • Reclaiming the building – Boarding up the windows so it is safe again and you can lay down your flag to claim your victory points
  • Searching rooms – Each building has a set number of rooms you can search. What will you find, supplies? Survivors? Or the dreaded 10 zombie card!
  • And if on a park (farm) tile, then you can farm – One survivor can choose to spend an action point to farm.

Farming? I hear you ask, well in the game once you have reclaimed a park, it is used to produce food. You can spend food at the start of your turn to give 3 survivor 2 action points that turn making them “well fed and ready for zombie carnage” However you can actively farm a park tile, spending a survivors action point.
This means that at the start of your next turn that farm produces 2 food instead of 1.

Ending the game!

The game can end in 4 ways:
The research centre is reclaimed (the cure has been found and the outbreak is over)
The military base is reclaimed (More guns than any one army could need, you are left with a city flooded with zombie soup)
When a group of survivors has reclaimed and spends one turn actively farming 5 farms (who needs to worry about zombies when you have fresh veg and steak every day)
Or finally if one player reaches 50 Victory points before any of the other conditions are met

However it is the player with the most Victory points that reigns king. So be careful before you cure the infection.

Victory Points

So what is worth victory points:
  • Buildings - worth the number of victory points indicated by the yellow number in the top right corner.
  • Survivors – worth 1 victory point each
  • When the game ends every 2 supplies card is worth 1 Victory point
What else can you use supplies for?
Throughout the game you can trade in 2 of your supplies to give one survivor:
  • Armour – decrease an attackers dice roll by one
  • Weapon – Increase one of your attacking die rolls by one

Or you can build a wall. A wall will stop zombies and must be destroyed by attacking survivors before they can pass.


Combat in Surviving is simple. Survivors attack first. You roll a die for each survivor. Each die roll of 4,5 or 6 kills a zombie. Then any zombies left roll a die each to attack the survivors. A zombie must roll a 5 or 6 to kill a survivor.
Repeat until all zombies are dead or all survivors are dead or have run away.

That is it. Simple rules so if someone hasn’t played before they can jump in and within one or two goes they are as clued in as everyone.

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