
Super Roundominoes (1987)

Rank: --
1-6 Players
30 Min
Age: 0+
Complexity: 0.00/5

Designer: Kate Jones

Publisher: Kadon Enterprises

Super Roundominoes is a set of 43 tiles based on circles; there are pieces which are single circles, pieces consisting of two, three, or four circles joined together, and pieces which are single circles with bits attached which fit between circles. The tiles fill a 10x10 grid of circles, including the spaces between them.

In addition to the tiles, the set includes a frame, a board, and a rulebook. The rulebook includes a considerable number of solitaire puzzles and six games:

Roundout. Two players place pieces on the grid, with pieces of the same color not allowed to touch and other pieces allowed to touch only tangentially.

Surround. Two players try to surround the "bridge" pieces (circles plus interstitial sections) with as few of the other pieces as possible.

Ringo-Bingo. Two, three, or four players place pieces on the grid and attempt to complete rows of 10.

Roundominoes. Two, three, or four players place pieces on the grid, trying to have each one touch as many circular piece sections as possible.

Inside Out. Two to six players start with a random conglomeration of pieces, each turn removing one and placing it on the outside, which must always be strongly connected. The player who breaks the outside "ring" loses.

Octopus. Two players each start with a four-armed bridge piece on the board and attempt to connect it to as many of the board edges as possible.

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