
Super Dice Heroes (2020)

A roll-and-write Superhero game where you try to save the city!

Rank: 14034
1-100 Players
15-20 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 2.00/5

Designer: Joe Hout

Publisher: (Web published)

Super Dice Heroes
A Roll-and-write Superhero Game

Overview: You are a Superhero trying to save the city! Travel to different locations, rescue citizens, defeat minions, and save the day!

Players: 1 - 100+
Game Time: 20 minutes
Items needed: 4 six-sided dice and your favorite token, meeple, miniature, or pawn to represent your superhero

Setup: Determine your Superhero power for this game. Roll 2 d6 for your choices for your superpower this game, choose one superpower (Reroll if necessary until there are two different numbers). Different players can choose a different superpower.

Name your superhero and draw their costume. Place your Superhero token in the middle circle as your starting place (this is the only time your token will be in the middle circle)

The game is played over 10 rounds simultaneously, with players trying to earn the most points (honor). All players will use the same dice pool for each roll, assigning however each player determines.

Gameplay: Each Round you will Roll 4 dice and then spend those 4 dice

- Roll 4 dice - Roll the 4 dice. Write the numbers in the top right corner on the current round’s track. This is just used as a helpful reference.

- Spend dice to either “Move” or “Help” - each die can be used to either move your superhero or help people in your current location (by marking an X or a number).

Move - There are two ways to move. Move your superhero token to the location that matches the die, or use a die that matches your superhero’s current location to move your superhero token to any location.

Help- Use a die to help in your current location, marking an X or writing a number (depending on the location).

Repeat this until 10 rounds have been completed.

Using your Superpower: You may use your superpower three times throughout a game. The three blank squares in the middle circle (under your superhero) are there to show how many superpower uses you have remaining. You may use your superpower at any time, even multiple times in a round. For each use, mark an X in the square.

Superpowers explained:
1 - Shrink - Change any die to a 1
2 - Teleport - Use a die to travel to any location
3 - Ice - Decrease a die by one (Example: Change a 4 to a 3, or a 2 to a 1. 1’s cannot be changed)
4 - Fire - Increase a die by one (Example: Change a 3 to a 4, or a 1 to a 2. 6’s cannot be changed)
5 - Shapeshift - Change one die to the same number of another die rolled this round (You may not Shapeshift a Wild die)
6 - Grow - Change any die to a 6

Using Wild Dice: When you unlock a wild die, circle it in the bottom section with all the Wild dice. You may at any time spend a wild die. A wild die is an additional die that is any number. When you use a wild die, mark an X over an unlocked wild die icon to show you have spent it. You can spend multiple wild dice in a round, and you can use wild dice immediately after gaining them. You may use wild dice for moving or helping.

Rescuing Bystander Meeples:
When a Bystander Meeple rescue requirements are met, you circle a Bystander icon in the bottom section with all the Bystanders. At the end of the game, each rescued Bystander earns you 5 Honor.

Defeating Robot Minions:
Each location has three Robot Minions that are causing trouble. You may spend any number die to defeat one of these minions, marking an X over it at the location, then marking an X over a Robot Minion in the corresponding section at the bottom. At the end of the game, each defeated Robot Minion earns you 1 Honor. (Robot Minions are a last resort at a location when you do not have any better options, so dice do not go to waste.)

Each Location Explained:

1 - City Hall - Mark an X for matching die (1, 2, or 3) in any order. When the 1, 2, and 3 are marked off diagonally, you earn a Wild die. When all locations are marked off (all 9 spaces), you rescue a Bystander. Earn 4 Honor for each row and/or column completed.

2 - Hospital - Same number pairs. You can use the same number for multiple pairs. You can start a new pair before completing others. You do not have to go in any order.

3 - Downtown - Same number for the entire run. It can be any number to start, but it must be the same number for the rest of the game. You must start at the bottom, then continue up. Rescue Bystander or gain a Wild Die when the corresponding box is filled in.

4 - Powerplant - Start on the leftmost square. You can start with any number. The next number must be exactly one higher or lower. It may not be the same number. (Example: You use a 5 die to help, writing a 5 in the leftmost square. The next number can either be a 4 or a 6. You use a 6 die to help, writing a 6 in the next square. The next number will have to be a 5, as there is nothing higher than a 6.)

5 - Warehouse -Start on the leftmost square. You can start with any number. The next number must be equal to or higher than the previous number. (Example: You use a 2 die to help, writing a 2 in the leftmost square. The next number can be a 2 or higher. You use a 4 die to help, writing a 4 in the next square. The next number can be a 4 or higher.)

6 - Church - Mark an X for matching die. You can mark off in any order. If you complete a complete column (1-6 or 6-1) you gain 15 Honor. If you complete the top six you earn a Wild Die, if you complete the bottom six you rescue a Bystander.

End of Game:
After you have completed the 10th roll/round, total your Honor/points earned from each location, rescued bystander meeples (5 honor per), and defeated robot minions (1 honor per). The player with the most Honor is the winner!

-description from designer

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