
Stop the Train (1983)

Rank: --
2-4 Players
30 Min
Age: 6+
Complexity: 1.00/5

Designer: Manfred Ludwig

Publisher: Carlit, Spear's Games

To get your 3 passengers on board a train and take them for a round trip and back home again.

A nice children's game. After rolling the color-die, a player can move any of the two trains to halt on the color shown. The fun is to jump the pieces into the wagons as trains pass by your start point, and after a round trip to get them off at the home point. Only one passenger per compartment is allowed. There are also bypasses on the board. The unlucky passengers stopping there, must get off the train and wait for the next free wagon available which passes the loading point. Although it is luck-driven, players must decide which of the 2 trains to move in order to get closer to their homes or to hinder opponents. Funny and very entertaining for children.

Virtually the same game as Fuzzi, Heinz und Schlendrian, except that movement is determined by a colored die roll, and players must only move three passengers instead of four.

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