
Stonehenge Spell Casting Game

Rank: --
3-4 Players
0 Min
Age: 0+
Complexity: 0.00/5

Designer: Benjamin Parker

Publisher: (Web published)

Number of players: 3–4

Object of the game: Have enough control of player-colored disks on the outer rings of the board to draw them into the inner ring. First to 4 disks of his or her color (out of 7) on the inner ring wins...

Equipment: Each player is a color. Choose a color to be neutral. Players need: The board, 10 disks per player (separate into 7 and 3), a figure for each player, 6 bars of a neutral color (separate into 3 and 3), 9 disks of the neutral color, the figure of the neutral color, the gray figure, and the deck (without trilithon cards).

During a player’s turn, he has 1 of 3 actions that he can take:

- Move as many neutral disks from a single inside cup. Take the disks into your hand. You will replace them after taking an action or two. For each disk taken in hand, you may move a component in the corresponding section to the left or right 1 space. You may move any component even if it is not your color. You may use multiple energy disks to affect a single component or spread them out as you wish. You may move the component into a new section, but cannot continue to affect it this turn (since it is in a different section, and disks from a certain cup only affect the corresponding section).

If you a place component onto a spot that is occupied, the component on the spot is moved either left, right, in, or out 1 space as per your choice (no more out than the outer track, no more in than the inner track. Again, it is possible to push a component to another section). It is possible that moving the component pushes it into another occupied space, in which case, repeat the above process until there is no conflict.

After using all disks in a cup that you want, take the disks that are in the hand and place them into different cups that the one they originated from. You may place the disks into inside OR outside cups, and you can split them up as you choose (all in one cup or split into multiple cups, etc.). This is supposed to represent energy conversion, which is necessary for casting a spell

- Move as many outside energy disks as you want (regardless of the section they are in). Likewise, take them into hand first, and after taking an action per disk, replace them in different cups than the one(s) from which they originated.

For each disk moved, you may move your figure, the neutral figure, or the gray figure 1, 5, or 20 spaces in either direction as long the figure is in the section the disk was in. You may use multiple disks on a single figure (i.e., move a figure 20 spaces using a disk in one cup, and then another 2 spaces using 2 disks from a different cup. If you move the figure onto a space occupied by another figure, both figures simply occupy the same spot (nothing special).

That’s movement, but you can also move components using the outer cups. If yours, the neutral’s, or the grey figure is on the inner track on the same space as a component, you may use an energy disk from an outside cup to pull the component in 1 space, or push it out 1 space. If you push/pull a disk into another, the disk is displaced as described above. If a disk is pulled down to the inner track, it gets pulled to the space the figure is on

- Take any 2 neutral disks and put them into your hand. You may take these 2 from the same or different cups. Just before your next turn, place them in any cup or cups of your choice.

For recap, the 3 actions are: a) take as many energy disks from a single inside cup, b) take as many energy disks as you want from outside cups, or c) take 2 disks off the board for a turn.

As a special bonus, if a component of your color gets to the inner track, you may place one of your 3 extra disks on any cup of your choice. This counts as a disk that only you may use. When you use it, move it as any other disk in a cup. Also, once a component is on the inner track, it cannot be moved and no other component may move to that spot. Figures may ignore it for the sake of movement, and just move on top of it or through it.
Ending the Game

When a player has gotten 4 of the 7 components into the inner track, he casts the spell, and thus wins. For a shorter game, play to 3 of the 7 components.

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