
Stixx (2006)

Rank: 21602
2-4 Players
-- Min
Age: 7+
Complexity: 1.50/5

Designer: Odet L'Homer

Publisher: Goliath Games

Stixx is an abstract strategy/bluffing game, where the main goal is to obtain as many stixx of your own color as possible, while preventing opposing players from doing the same. Each player picks a color token at the beginning and keeps it secret. During a turn, a player can do one of three things 1) obtain a stixx touching the single grey stixx, 2) reveal their color and pick up two stixx, or 3) guess another player's secret color and, if correct, collect two stixx. If the player guesses wrong, she loses her turn. The winner is the person who has the most stixx in their color, with tie breakers going to the player with the most stixx of one other color, and then the player who's secret color was revealed last.

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