
Stamp Graffiti (2014)

Rank: 16496
3-6 Players
30 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.33/5

Stamp Graffiti is first published in Game Market Osaka 2014.

From the rules:

Each player makes a sketch with other players. The Answerer tries to guess what word is represented by the sketch the other players drew together. The trick is, the players can only draw using the symbols represented on the Stamp cards they are handed at the beginning of the round. At the end of the game, the winner is the player with the most VPs!

Playing the game

[Case of 5 players]First, The Question Giver decide a question( a secret word ). After that, each painter draws on the whiteboard in the order shown in the figure below. After 3 painters drew, the Answerer tries to guess what the sketch is. If his/her last answer is wrong, the Question Giver can draw one last time on the whiteboard before the Answerer tries to guess again.

Board Game: Stamp Graffiti

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