
Space Chess (1981)

Rank: --
2 Players
0 Min
Age: 0+
Complexity: 0.00/5

Designer: Harris Dvores

Publisher: (Self-Published)

From the rules:

"Space Chess is a futuristic strategy game for 2 people. The download package includes a 14"x14" game board (separated into 2 files for printing), red and blue Fleet Strength sheets, red and blue Fleet Orders pads, red and blue King pads, and all pieces needed for the game.

Each player commands a fleet of 6 ships, represented by chess pieces on the game board, and by icons on Fleet Order pads (you can use either chess pieces from a small chess set for movement on the board, or ship tokens, which are included).

The game board is divided into 64 Quadrants. A Quadrant is made up of 9 Sectors, each referred to by its compass position in the Quadrant: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW and C(enter). There are three types of Quadrants: Type I (Light Red), Type II (Light Green) and Type III (Yellow). Both Quadrant Type and Sector location affect ship movement and combat capabilities.

The object of the game is to locate and destroy your opponent’s King ship. King ships are initially placed on King pads rather than on the game board, keeping their location hidden."

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