Sapotagem is a card game using trick-taking with set collection. In each trick, players have two options: play a card or pass. The winner of that trick is the player who played the highest card of color to be followed or the Trump color, if it has been played. The color of the trump of each round is determined by a list of cards in the middle of the table placed in the setup. The winner of each trick takes all the cards played, besides the card that determines the trump of the round, and places them in rows in his player area, separated by existing symbols. At the end of the game, each player gets victory points for each type of symbol that has, depending on the amount. Up to 3 symbols of a particular type, the score is positive. 4 to 6 symbols of the same type the score is negative. 7 or 8 symbols of the same type score is again positive. All cards 13 are time bombs, worth negative points, except that the same player has captured all 4! The winner has the most victory points!