
Rolf (2017)

Rank: 19313
2-8 Players
15-30 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.50/5

Designer: Robert Burke

Publisher: DFTBA Games

Rolf is a stunningly simple party game that includes a plethora of phrase cards. On the back of each card are two unfinished phrases. On the front of each card is the word that finishes the phrases, and the first letter of this word.

For example:

The back of a card could have the phrase,

"Everybody was Kung-Fu ______"

And the front of the card would show:


On a player's turn, they will read the phrase and then hold the card up so that all players can see the correct word that finishes the phrase.

Players must finish the phrase out loud with a word that begins with the same letter, but NOT the correct word.

So we could end up with:

"Everybody was Kung-Fu fantastic"
"Everybody was Kung-Fu farming""
"Everybody was Kung-Fu flamboyant"
"Everybody was Kung-Fu fracking"
"Everybody was Kung-Fu farting"

The judge then picks their favorite, and the winning player gets the card and a point. The winning player of the round then becomes the judge for the next round.

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