
Rock Science (2011)

Rank: 17782
2-6 Players
60 Min
Age: 16+
Complexity: 3.00/5

Designer: Sven Folkesson

Publisher: Rock Science AB

Rock Science is a trivia game about rock music and metal. The game covers hundreds of bands, from early Classic Rock to Nu Metal via Trash Metal and many others.

Players compete to be the first to reach the finish line through answering questions. Question categories include rockers, albums and songs, and players may also be asked to hum riffs. All questions have three different difficulty levels - the higher difficulty a player choses, the higher the possible reward in terms of advancement on the board. Other important game mechanics are betting (you constantly bet on the knowledge of co-players) and Rock Tokens (tokens collected when correctly answering questions may be spent for in-game rewards).

The game includes question cards (around 2,500 questions in total), game board, die, pawns, betting cards, rules summary cards, rules book and rock tokens.

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