
Ready! Set! Spaghetti! (1989)

Rank: 19681
2-4 Players
10 Min
Age: 6+
Complexity: 1.00/5

Each player selects a fork and sits in front of it. Each player takes his or her matching color spaghetti and holds it loosly over the center of the gameboard. The players then call out "Ready! Set! Spaghetti!" and everyone drops their spaghetti into the middle of the board at the same time. The other ingredients are placed randomly into the holes on the board. All players turn their forks to take the slack out of their spaghetti.

The youngest player goes first. On your turn roll the die and remove the ingredient shown by it. This ingredient is placed out of play. When a player rolls a free choice, any of the ingredients may be removed. Try to remove one that will loosen your spaghetti, without helping the other players. As soon as one is removed, the player yells "Spaghetti!" and all players turn their forks. The players try to wind up their spaghetti. Then the next turn starts. The first player to twirl up all of his or her spaghetti wins.

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