
Quests Over Coffee (2022)

A few brief adventures, in the time it takes to drink your coffee.

Rank: 10252
1-2 Players
-- Min
Age: --
Complexity: 1.00/5

Quests Over Coffee is a single player dice throwing game where you try to claim fame and fortune. With a some strategy, some items, and a little bit of luck, you can find yourself on the other side of the glory or in the pit of a grave.

The game is also a system that allows for you to create your own Quests and Items to experience. Let your imagination and experience run free!

—description from the publisher

From a choice of 5 shown quest cards, choose one and roll 3d6 to defeat the quest or fail. As you defeat quests, you gain items which can improve your character or purchase items. An 18 card game with a template to create your own quest.

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