
Quest Stories (2016)

Rank: 12993
3-5 Players
30-45 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.00/5

Designer: Pablo Grande

Artist: Chema Vicente

Publisher: Primigenio

From the publisher:
The bartender was giving the spit ‘n’ shine treatment to some old mugs while gazing skeptically at the group of adventurers in front of him, who were practising a somewhat ineffectual heroic pose. There was a magic school dropout trying to pass as a wizard, a deranged oracle claiming a 33% chance of guessing the future correctly, a beastmaster accompanied by the odor of all his beasts, a claustrophobic minotaur and a venomant addicted to his own potions. He sighed. Are these wrecks able to rescue the prince? Probably not, but is there anyone else willing to take the job?

Quest Stories is a narrative game for 3-5 players set in a humorous fantasy world. Each round, one player assumes the role of the bartender, who is looking for the best heroes to accomplish a quest. The rest of the players are hero recruiters who will try to convince the bartender that their hired team is the most suitable to get that job done, while they try to highlight the shortcomings of their contenders.

From the publisher (translated):
El tabernero limpiaba cuidadosamente las jarras de cerveza mientras miraba con escepticismo al grupo de aventureros que, con pose heroica, se presentaba ante él: un hechicero que había sido expulsado de la escuela de magia, una oráculo que decía conocer el futuro con un 33% de probabilidades de acertar, una domadora de bestias que apestaba, un minotauro con claustrofobia y un alquimista adicto a sus propias pociones. Suspiró. ¿Estos despojos conseguirán rescatar al príncipe? Seguramente no, pero, ¿acaso hay alguien mejor en esta ciudad?

Quest Stories es un juego narrativo para 3-5 jugadores y de media hora de duración en la que un jugador, en cada ronda, encarna a un tabernero en busca de los aventureros más adecuados para cumplir su misión, mientras que el resto de jugadores representan a reclutadores que creen tener el grupo de aventureros más adecuado.

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