
Quad Play

A logically-structured game system with 40 playing units made by merging of 4 hearts.

Rank: --
0 Players
0 Min
Age: 0+
Complexity: 0.00/5

Publisher: (Self-Published)

4 hearts together. 4 pieces in each. 4 of all are different. 4 decades of combinations. In short everything is related to the number 4.
Game-play is based on a special shape resulting from combining 4 hearts. The way the hearts are merged makes each divided in 4 pieces. The whole shape has 9 pieces in total instead of 16 as some are common for two or more hearts.
A 'quad' is the shape described above with any 4 pieces ('qarts') marked in contrasting colour. According this quads can be divided in two groups (sides): light ('glim') quads if qarts are darker than other parts (as the 4 of qarts is always the minority) and dark ('grim') quads if vice versa. Each qart has value in points depending on the number of hearts it is common for. So it can be 2, 4 pts for glims, -2, -4 for grims and 0 for both. Changing qarts order gives 20 meaningfully distinctive combinations for each side, 40 quads in total. Quads in a side are rank-ordered. The overall ranking follows the qarts configuration (all qarts in one heart is the best) and is subdivided in two dimensions: vertical (4 'piles') and horisontal ('atop' 0-4 according the number of quads above). The priority between sides can be set by game rules and vary in playing progress.
The system can provide new experience in randomising, solitaire, card and dice playing as well as refresh many traditional games.

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