
Project Pornstar (2004)

Rank: 21774
2-5 Players
45 Min
Age: 18+
Complexity: 1.40/5

Designer: Michael Greiss

Artist: Hans Schneider

Publisher: Papergames (I)

Action and Cut!

Life as a producer in the film industry is tough, especially in the porn business. You however, are the best! Be it tame soft porn or full-on hardcore action; you know what it takes to make a hot flick!

Your job?

Your choice of actors and apparatus determine if it is going to be on top or a flop. Your filthy fantasy, your skill and the ruthless manipulation of the competition, decide how successful your films will be. Warning! Thieves, hackers, ugly actors and moralistic directors can ruin your plans! However no need to panic, the numbers only get counted at the end and then you will see who has managed to screw the rest!

Actors and Condoms in position! And Action!


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