
Pizza XXL (2014)

Rank: 21376
2-5 Players
20 Min
Age: 6+
Complexity: 1.33/5

Designer: Łukasz Woźniak

Artist: Maciej Szymanowicz

Publisher: Egmont Polska

Pizza XXL is a part of Egmont Polish game series: "Dobra gra w dobrej cenie", which means: "A good game in a good price".

The game has two variant of gameplay. One is based on reflexes, the other one on memory. In the first variant there are 3 different pizzas on the table. Each pizza shows different ingredients on it. The ingredient tiles are placed face down on the table and flipped face up one by one by each player. When the players flip face up the whole set of ingredients for one of the pizza they have smash this pizza with a hand. Whoever touch it first, gains it as a point. The player who scores 3 points is the winner.

In the second variant the ingredient tiles are also put face down on the table, but each player has his own pizza. Now each player can filp ingredient tile face up one after another as long as the ingredients match to those in his pizza. When he encounters wrong ingredient, he has to flip all the face up tiles face down, and the next player proceeds. When one of the players finds all the ingredients he need, he wins this round. The first player to win 3 rounds is the winner.

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