
Picto Rush (2020)

Players can't even remember what they drew 20 seconds before!

Rank: 10540
3-8 Players
20 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: 0.00/5

Designer: Edward Chan

Publisher: Goliath Games

The fastest-paced drawing game ever!

Players must scribble 20 drawings in 20 seconds! Indeed...that's only one second per drawing!

In each round, there is a different "Reader." They will read a list of 20 random words, and later, challenge each of the players (three times), to remember their own drawings!

On a player's turn, they get two points if they are able to figure out what their own drawing was. If they can't, an opponent may hit the bell and steal the answer...for 1 point.

The game ends when all players have been Reader one time.

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