Designer: Ingo-Rainer Voelskow
Publisher: Pendoka 3D-Spiele
Pendoka is a set of small wooden spheres and plastic connectors. The spheres have four holes each, so you can build dodecahedrons and different three-dimensional structures with penta- and hexagons, varying the possible forms, twisted and shrinked ... the fact you can turn the connectors even if it is already sticking in a hole, offers many ways for construction.
There are different kinds of games you can play with Pendoka, from easy to difficult:
At "Master of Pentagon" the players get a certain number of colored spheres and connectors, each player his own color. The goal is to build after a couple of rules and hinder the others from building. Winner is the first player who built all his parts.
At "Fünferkette" (five-in-a-row) the winner is, who built the first five of his parts in a row, at "Your Turn" you have to enclose a sphere of the contrary player ...
There are even more Games in it, so Pendoka is not a single game of its own, but more a system, like Spiel (with hundreds of dice) - you can create your own rules, build as you want or have a look on the website for new ideas.
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