
Outer Earth (2013)

Rank: 11217
2-4 Players
60 Min
Age: 13+
Complexity: 2.20/5

In the near future, both rapid space exploration and terraforming technology have opened a new science field allowing mankind to explore, discover and terraform planets for habitation.

Players manage a planetary development company and compete in the planet auction market for the developing rights of these newly explored planets.

Once acquired, players will have to strategically develop industry infrastructure to get the most out of each planet. Once the construction on the planet is launched, players will receive credits according to the planet's industry infrastructure. At the end of the game, players will also be rewarded on their planet portfolio.

Players will keep bidding, developing and launching planets and the game ends when the galaxy is fully explored. At this stage, the planetary development company with the most credits will be the winner.

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