Designer: Richard H. Berg
Artist: Mike Lemick, Rodger B. MacGowan, Morgan Crusader Bible, Mark Simonitch
Publisher: GMT Games
(from GMT website:)
Onward Christian Soldiers is Richard Berg's newest strategic level game, this one focused on one of, if not THE, central events in the Middle Ages - The Crusades. It will allow gamers to replay not only the first three Crusades - the only 3 that focused on what we call The Middle East - but with scenarios that range from a 7-player version of the 1st Crusade to a 3rd Crusade scenario that supposes Frederick Barbarossa didn't drown in Turkey and his immense army reached the Kingdom of Jerusalem pretty much intact.
Onward Christian Soldiers uses numerous innovative mechanics, including:DESIGNER Richard Berg
DEVELOPER Neil Randall
ART DIRECTOR Rodger B. MacGowan
CARD ART Mark Simonitch
MAP ART Mark Simonitch & Wayne Highland
COUNTERS Rodger B. MacGowan, Mark Simonitch, & Mike Lemick