Designer: Sid Sackson
Publisher: GAMES Magazine, Gamut of Games
Oil Strike! is played on a board depicting an oil field divided into areas of two, three, and four sites. Players start with one area (size depending on turn order) and claim a new one each turn as long as they last. The other thing a player does on each turn is select one of their sites and roll two dice, with a high enough roll producing oil and a lower roll condemning it to be dry.
Drilling next to producing wells (no matter who owns them) adds a point to the die roll for each such well, making it easier to strike oil. Players can (before rolling the dice) declare that they are going for double or quadruple production, which requires higher rolls.
Players score points for producing wells (more for double or quadruple wells, of course) and bonus points for getting all sites in an area to produce. The first player to reach a target score wins, or the player with the most points if no one manages that.