
Oh What a Mountain! (1980)

Rank: 21071
2-4 Players
30 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.67/5

Designer: Rudell Design

Publisher: Milton Bradley

From the box:

An exciting path game that challenges you to find the quickest route up a very, merry 3-dimensional mountain.

On the climb, you might go Ram Watching, meet the Abominable Snowball or the Falling Rocks. They're hazards that actually move...pushing, shoving and sweeping you and your fellow climbers from the path and back to the First Aid Station at Base Camp #1. Don't forget the deep, dark cave either, you could easily get lost in it. But don't give up! Even though Oh What A Mountain has its ups and downs, the first climber to reach the peak of the mountain is rewarded with a winner's flag that acually pops right-up to announce the victory.

Happy hiking!

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