
Nobody is Perfect: 20th Anniversary Edition (2012)

Rank: 10843
3-10 Players
60 Min
Age: 14+
Complexity: 1.25/5

This is a party game. There are several cards with words whose meaning is unknown most of the times. Every player writes down what they think the meaning of that word could be. One player collects and shuffles these answers and reads them out loud. All players vote for the answer they think to be the right answer.

Everyone who is right gets points. Everyone who had such a good description that people believed him even if its not the correct meaning, also gets points.

There are also cards with pictures on them, you guess what the picture shows. Whoever reaches the end of the gameboard first wins.

This Limited Anniversary Edition adds 20 voting tokens, 10 voting cards and 10 bonus tokens.

(Parts of the description are taken from the main game´s page.)

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