Zoch focuses on family games and designs for kids, but it typically has one bigger title each year, and for 2014 that title is Eilif Svensson's Mangrovia. One behind-the-scenes tidbit for this title is that copies delivered to Spiel initially had only one of each bowl instead of two, thus putting a kibosh on sales unless Zoch wanted to raid half the copies in order to make the other half complete. Instead it rang the manufacturer, who was able to spit out and deliver the missing bits the next day so that Zoch could carry on with sales as desired. Not an exciting tidbit, I agree, but those little fixes are commonplace with just-in-time delivery at Spiel.
• Beasty Bar from designer Stefan Kloß and publisher Zoch spent a fair amount of time floating near the top of the Fairplay list for best games at Spiel 2014 — which is something of a surprise as the design is more akin to Paul Peterson's Guillotine than any of the heavy strategy games that normally head these lists.
• I included a zombie game in the most recent Spiel 2014 post, so let's drop a second one here: Zombie Mania, with this one coming from the unlikely sources of designer Reiner Knizia and publisher Noris Spiele, parent company of Zoch Verlag. A children's zombie game from Knizia?! Whodathunkit?
• Whoops! I forgot to include Ivan de Faveri's 5 Minutes in the HUCH! & friends block that ran in the previous Spiel 2014 post, but as you might be able to tell from the haphazard nature in which I've been posting these things for a month that I might not be the most organized person in the world.
• Edward Chan's Magi Kitchen from Capstone HK falls into the Jungle Speed, with players needing to exhibit fast pattern-recognition and object-grabbing skills. This video also exhibits what I believe is my first time behind the camera, due to my voice giving out during the show. Beth's a trooper, though, and stepped up to doing additional interviews outside the BGG booth.
• Pinocchio: True or False is another design from Chan and Capstone HK, with this one being a combined storytelling and dexterity game in which players build Pinocchio's nose block by block as they fail to detect whether or not a fellow player told a tale.